Friday, February 22, 2008

A Study in Reeces PB: Chocolate Ratio

These guys did a rough study investigating the proportion of peanut butter to chocolate in various sizes of Reeces Peanut Butter Cups. I couldn't disagree with their opinion more (that smaller cups taste the best). I personally think the Reeces Big Cup has the superior ratio. But prefer the small cups to the regular size. My version of this graph would look more like an inverted parabola. Anyway, it's funny that they took the time to set up this pseudo-scientific study. I'm currently fasting from chocolate... so this was on my mind.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ballot Problem in Maryland

I went to vote in the Primary election in Maryland today. I just changed registration from another state, so I had to fill out a provisional ballot. All went well, until it was time to sign the provisional voter form... above the signature line was a statement stating:

"I swear or attest that I will not vote in the current or General election in Maryland or in another state"

I imagine this is supposed to state that i will not vote again in the current election. But that's not what it says. This is a problem.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Medication Side Effects

I always find the concept of medication "side effects" as interesting. Why? Because neurobiology doesn't recognize the difference between target and "side" effects. We just market the effects that are potentially helpful. Many useful medications were discovered when "side effects" of other meds were realized to be helpful. Welbutrin and Viagra are just a couple of these. One of the following clips are about real (albeit bizzare) side effects and one is fake. Guess which is which.

Virtual Magnetic Bush Speech Poetry

Make your own George W Bush speech with virtual W. It's like Magnetic Poetry, but a cognitively-impaired chimp of a President reads it aloud.

Mine reads:

"America stands committed to conflict. We squandered lives on a massive scale, destroyed Iraq. We created persistant poverty and suffering, defended violent ambitions, including my own... So that above all, one day the ladies and gentlemen in the United States will fear government."

See what Bush speech you can make!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fishermen Find Deer Swimming 1.5 Miles Offshore

According to this story, some fishermen were out on the seas about 1.5 miles offshore and spotted what they thought was a seal. As they got closer, they realized it was a deer lost at sea. Naturally, they pulled the animal aboard and brought it back to dry land. Of course, my evil Bulgarian friend in Canada supposes that they had actually taken a deer from the woods, took it out to sea, threw it in the ocean, and posted the photos in reverse order to make themselves look like heroes. What do you think?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Beware the Double Dipper

What we've always known... is now confirmed by science. Double-dipping is pretty nasty. A Clemson University study confirms this. But the best part of all about this article is the caption under the photo. It reads "This photo illustration shows tortilla chips and salsa in New York". Thanks for the clarification from the AP. :)